Malibu Fishing

Classes for all ages and groups

The Art of fishing, will help you to engage in many enlightening activities that can be shared with your family and friends and get passed down to next generations to come!
Aside from a classic method of survival, Fishing has much more Mental and physical health benefits.
At Malibu Fishing Lessons, we create a fun and enjoyable environment and combined the classic fishing techniques with modern tools and methods optimized base on each individual's needs.
Our lessons are customized based on different age group abilities and needs. parents may join our lessons with their kids with 50% discount or just observe the lessons as bystander with no extra charge.


  • Tackle Basics (Selecting the right gear for each individual)
  • Safety fishing practices.
  • How to clean and care for equipment. (Maintenance)
  • Reading the Water.
  • Live bait gathering and how to use them.
  • Hooking, Landing and safely Releasing the fish.
  • For beginners we will introduce how to use the basic spinning rod and targeting species such as mackerel bonita sardines anchovies and bass.
  • Also learning how to underhand cast, overhead cast and learn the fundamentals, starting fishing knots.
  • We will begin to learn how to use bait casting reels and more advanced knots and rig techniques.
  • You will learn how to target bigger species such as halibut, bat-ray , shovelnose, leopard shark and soupfin sharks.
  • How to clean and prepare fish for consumption.
  • we will learn how to cast conventional reels and guide them properly.


$ 25 / Hour

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